
In this paper, we propose the first fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS) for closed Jackson networks with single servers. Our algorithm is based on the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, and our scheme returns an approximate solution, for which the size of error satisfies a given error rate. We propose two Markov chains: one is for approximate sampling, and the other is for perfect sampling based on the monotone coupling from the past algorithm.

MSC codes

  1. 37A25
  2. 65C40
  3. 65C05
  4. 60K25


  1. Markov chain Monte Carlo
  2. Jackson networks
  3. rapidly mixing
  4. path coupling
  5. perfect sampling
  6. coupling from the past
  7. FPRAS

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Computing
SIAM Journal on Computing
Pages: 1484 - 1503
ISSN (online): 1095-7111


Submitted: 13 January 2006
Accepted: 28 May 2008
Published online: 19 September 2008

MSC codes

  1. 37A25
  2. 65C40
  3. 65C05
  4. 60K25


  1. Markov chain Monte Carlo
  2. Jackson networks
  3. rapidly mixing
  4. path coupling
  5. perfect sampling
  6. coupling from the past
  7. FPRAS



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