
In this paper, we propose a new optimization approach for the simultaneous computation of optical flow and edge detection therein. Instead of using an Ambrosio–Tortorelli type energy functional, we reformulate the optical flow problem as a multidimensional control problem. The optimal control problem is solved by discretization methods and large-scale optimization techniques. The edge detector can be immediately built from the control variables. We provide three series of numerical examples. The first shows that the mere presence of a gradient restriction has a regularizing effect, while the second demonstrates how to balance the regularizing effects of a term within the objective and the control restriction. The third series of numerical results is concerned with the direct evaluation of a TV-regularization term by introduction of control variables with sign restrictions.

MSC codes

  1. 35F30
  2. 35R25
  3. 49J20
  4. 49M37
  5. 68U10


  1. optical flow
  2. edge detection
  3. partial differential equation constrained optimization
  4. optimal control problem
  5. direct methods

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
Pages: 1190 - 1210
ISSN (online): 1936-4954


Submitted: 23 May 2008
Accepted: 23 June 2009
Published online: 11 November 2009

MSC codes

  1. 35F30
  2. 35R25
  3. 49J20
  4. 49M37
  5. 68U10


  1. optical flow
  2. edge detection
  3. partial differential equation constrained optimization
  4. optimal control problem
  5. direct methods



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