
A book with $k$ pages consists of a straight line (the spine) and $k$ half-planes (the pages), such that the boundary of each page is the spine. If a graph is drawn on a book with $k$ pages in such a way that the vertices lie on the spine, and each edge is contained in a page, the result is a k-page book drawing (or simply a $k$-page drawing). The $k$-page crossing number $\nu_k(G)$ of a graph $G$ is the minimum number of crossings in a $k$-page drawing of $G$. In this paper we investigate the $k$-page crossing numbers of complete graphs. We use semidefinite programming techniques to give improved lower bounds on $\nu_k(K_n)$ for various values of $k$. We also use a maximum satisfiability reformulation to obtain a computer-aided calculation of the exact value of $\nu_k(K_n)$ for several values of $k$ and $n$. Finally, we investigate the best construction known for drawing $K_n$ in $k$ pages, calculate the resulting number of crossings, and discuss this upper bound in light of the new results reported in this paper.


  1. $2$-page crossing number
  2. book crossing number
  3. semidefinite programming
  4. maximum $k$-cut
  5. Frieze--Jerrum maximum-$k$-cut bound
  6. maximum satisfiability problem

MSC codes

  1. 90C22
  2. 90C25
  3. 05C10
  4. 05C62
  5. 57M15
  6. 68R10

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Pages: 619 - 633
ISSN (online): 1095-7146


Submitted: 2 August 2012
Accepted: 15 January 2013
Published online: 4 April 2013


  1. $2$-page crossing number
  2. book crossing number
  3. semidefinite programming
  4. maximum $k$-cut
  5. Frieze--Jerrum maximum-$k$-cut bound
  6. maximum satisfiability problem

MSC codes

  1. 90C22
  2. 90C25
  3. 05C10
  4. 05C62
  5. 57M15
  6. 68R10



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