
We analyze the convergence of Anderson acceleration when the fixed point map is corrupted with errors. We consider uniformly bounded errors and stochastic errors with infinite tails. We prove local improvement results which describe the performance of the iteration up to the point where the accuracy of the function evaluation causes the iteration to stagnate. We illustrate the results with examples from neutronics.


  1. nonlinear equations
  2. Anderson acceleration
  3. local improvement

MSC codes

  1. 65H10
  2. 82D75

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Supplementary Material

PLEASE NOTE: These supplementary files have not been peer-reviewed.

Index of Supplementary Materials

Title of paper: Local Improvement Results for Anderson Acceleration with Inaccurate Function Evaluations

Authors: Alex Toth, J. Austin Ellis Tom Evans, Steven Hamilton, C. T. Kelley, Roger Pawlowski, Stuart Slattery

File: Matlab_Kelley_SISC.zip

Type: Compressed Matlab code files

Contents: Matlab files for example: Section 3.1

"heq_anderson_kelley.m" is the driver to produce figure 1 in the paper. The driver uses anderson_optset to configure the solve and anderson_kelley to solve the equations.

"anderson_optset.m" is the options control for Anderson Acceleration code.

"anderson_kelley.m" is the main Anderson Acceleration code.

These three files enable a reader to reproduce the results in section 3.1. The other two examples use large codes, some of which are proprietary, and are not reproducable by others at the present time.


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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
Pages: S47 - S65
ISSN (online): 1095-7197


Submitted: 11 July 2016
Accepted: 26 October 2016
Published online: 26 October 2017


  1. nonlinear equations
  2. Anderson acceleration
  3. local improvement

MSC codes

  1. 65H10
  2. 82D75



Funding Information

National Science Foundation https://doi.org/10.13039/100000001 : DMS-1406349, SI2-SSE-1339844
U.S. Department of Energy https://doi.org/10.13039/100000015 : DE-AC05-00OR22725

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