
We study the Steiner Tree problem, in which a set of terminal vertices needs to be connected in the cheapest possible way in an edge-weighted graph. This problem has been extensively studied from the viewpoint of approximation and also parameterization. In particular, on one hand Steiner Tree is known to be ${APX}$-hard, and ${W[2]}$-hard on the other, if parameterized by the number of nonterminals (Steiner vertices) in the optimum solution. In contrast to this, we give an efficient parameterized approximation scheme (${EPAS}$), which circumvents both hardness results. Moreover, our methods imply the existence of a polynomial size approximate kernelization scheme (${PSAKS}$) for the considered parameter. We further study the parameterized approximability of other variants of Steiner Tree, such as Directed Steiner Tree and Steiner Forest. For none of these is an ${EPAS}$ likely to exist for the studied parameter. For Steiner Forest an easy observation shows that the problem is ${APX}$-hard, even if the input graph contains no Steiner vertices. For Directed Steiner Tree we prove that approximating within any function of the studied parameter is ${W[1]}$-hard. Nevertheless, we show that an ${EPAS}$ exists for Unweighted Directed Steiner Tree, but a ${PSAKS}$ does not. We also prove that there is an ${EPAS}$ and a ${PSAKS}$ for Steiner Forest if in addition to the number of Steiner vertices, the number of connected components of an optimal solution is considered to be a parameter.


  1. Steiner tree
  2. Steiner forest
  3. approximation algorithms
  4. parameterized algorithms

MSC codes

  1. 68W25
  2. 05C85
  3. 68Q25

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Pages: 546 - 574
ISSN (online): 1095-7146


Submitted: 4 September 2018
Accepted: 13 November 2020
Published online: 29 March 2021


  1. Steiner tree
  2. Steiner forest
  3. approximation algorithms
  4. parameterized algorithms

MSC codes

  1. 68W25
  2. 05C85
  3. 68Q25



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OP VVV MEYS : CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 019/0000765
H2020 European Research Council https://doi.org/10.13039/100010663 : ERC-2014-CoG 647557
Grantová Agentura České Republiky https://doi.org/10.13039/501100001824 : 17-09142S, 17-10090Y
Přírodovědecká Fakulta, Univerzita Karlova https://doi.org/10.13039/100008579 : UNCE/SCI/004, GAUK 1514217

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