
Conditional mean embeddings (CMEs) have proven themselves to be a powerful tool in many machine learning applications. They allow the efficient conditioning of probability distributions within the corresponding reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces by providing a linear-algebraic relation for the kernel mean embeddings of the respective joint and conditional probability distributions. Both centered and uncentered covariance operators have been used to define CMEs in the existing literature. In this paper, we develop a mathematically rigorous theory for both variants, discuss the merits and problems of each, and significantly weaken the conditions for applicability of CMEs. In the course of this, we demonstrate a beautiful connection to Gaussian conditioning in Hilbert spaces.


  1. conditional mean embedding
  2. kernel mean embedding
  3. Gaussian measure
  4. reproducing kernel Hilbert space

MSC codes

  1. 46E22
  2. 62J02
  3. 28C20

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Title of paper: A Rigorous Theory of Conditional Mean Embeddings

Authors: Ilja Klebanov, Ingmar Schuster, and T. J. Sullivan

File: M130506supplement.pdf

Type: PDF

Contents: The first appendix contains several technical results used in the proofs of the theorems given in the article. The second appendix discusses how the results of the article might be extended to the practically relevant setting of empirical conditional mean embeddings based on sample data, and outlines both mathematical difficulties and possible strategies for overcoming them.


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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
Pages: 583 - 606
ISSN (online): 2577-0187


Submitted: 6 December 2019
Accepted: 1 April 2020
Published online: 13 July 2020


  1. conditional mean embedding
  2. kernel mean embedding
  3. Gaussian measure
  4. reproducing kernel Hilbert space

MSC codes

  1. 46E22
  2. 62J02
  3. 28C20



Funding Information

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft https://doi.org/10.13039/501100001659 : 390685689

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