
The Vertex Cover problem plays an essential role in the study of polynomial kernelization in parameterized complexity, i.e., the study of provable and efficient preprocessing for ${\mathsf{NP}}$-hard problems. Motivated by the great variety of positive and negative results for kernelization for Vertex Cover subject to different parameters and graph classes, we seek to unify and generalize them using so-called blocking sets. A blocking set is a set of vertices such that no optimal vertex cover contains all vertices in the blocking set, and the study of minimal blocking sets played implicit and explicit roles in many existing results. We show that in the most-studied setting, parameterized by the size of a deletion set to a specified graph class ${\mathcal{C}}$, bounded minimal blocking set size is necessary but not sufficient to get a polynomial kernelization. Under mild technical assumptions, bounded minimal blocking set size is shown to allow an essentially tight polynomial-time reduction in the number of connected components. We then determine the exact maximum size of minimal blocking sets for graphs of bounded elimination distance to any hereditary class $\mathcal{C}$, including the case of graphs of bounded treedepth. We get similar but not tight bounds for certain nonhereditary classes $\mathcal{C}$, including the class ${\mathcal{C}}_{{\mathrm{LP}}}$ of graphs where integral and fractional vertex cover size coincide. These bounds allow us to derive polynomial kernels for Vertex Cover parameterized by the size of a deletion set to graphs of bounded elimination distance to, e.g., forest, bipartite, or ${\mathcal{C}}_{\mathrm{LP}}$ graphs.


  1. Vertex Cover
  2. kernelization
  3. blocking sets
  4. elimination distance
  5. structural parameters

MSC codes

  1. 68Q25
  2. 05C85

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Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Pages: 1955 - 1990
ISSN (online): 1095-7146


Submitted: 30 April 2020
Accepted: 2 March 2022
Published online: 24 August 2022


  1. Vertex Cover
  2. kernelization
  3. blocking sets
  4. elimination distance
  5. structural parameters

MSC codes

  1. 68Q25
  2. 05C85



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