
The numerical integration over a planar domain that is cut by an implicitly defined boundary curve is an important problem that arises, for example, in unfitted finite element methods and in isogeometric analysis on trimmed computational domains. In this paper, we introduce a a very general version of the transport theorem for moving domains defined by implicitly defined curves and use it to establish an efficient and accurate quadrature rule for this class of domains. In numerical experiments it is shown that the method achieves high orders of convergence. Our approach is suited for high-order geometrically unfitted finite element methods as well as for high-order trimmed isogeometric analysis.


  1. numerical quadrature
  2. unfitted finite element method
  3. immersed methods
  4. fictitious domain methods
  5. isogeometric analysis
  6. trimming
  7. transport theorem

MSC codes

  1. 53A04
  2. 65N30
  3. 65N85

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Pages: 2138 - 2162
ISSN (online): 1095-7170


Submitted: 28 May 2020
Accepted: 26 April 2021
Published online: 5 August 2021


  1. numerical quadrature
  2. unfitted finite element method
  3. immersed methods
  4. fictitious domain methods
  5. isogeometric analysis
  6. trimming
  7. transport theorem

MSC codes

  1. 53A04
  2. 65N30
  3. 65N85



Funding Information

H2020 European Research Council https://doi.org/10.13039/100010663 : 694515

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