
This paper considers the use of robust principal component analysis (RPCA) in a CUR decomposition framework and applications thereof. Our main algorithms produce a robust version of column-row factorizations of matrices $D=L+S$, where $L$ is low-rank and $S$ contains sparse outliers. These methods yield interpretable factorizations at low computational cost and provide new CUR decompositions that are robust to sparse outliers, in contrast to previous methods. We consider two key imaging applications of RPCA: video foreground-background separation and face modeling. This paper examines the qualitative behavior of our robust CUR decompositions on the benchmark videos and face datasets and finds that our method works as well as standard RPCA while being significantly faster. Additionally, we consider hybrid randomized and deterministic sampling methods which produce a compact CUR decomposition of a given matrix and apply this to video sequences to produce canonical frames thereof.


  1. CUR decomposition
  2. RPCA
  3. robust CUR
  4. low-rank matrix approximation
  5. interpolative decompositions
  6. robust algorithms

MSC codes

  1. 15A23
  2. 65F30
  3. 68P20
  4. 68W20
  5. 68W25
  6. 68Q25

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
Pages: 1472 - 1503
ISSN (online): 1936-4954


Submitted: 28 December 2020
Accepted: 20 July 2021
Published online: 18 October 2021


  1. CUR decomposition
  2. RPCA
  3. robust CUR
  4. low-rank matrix approximation
  5. interpolative decompositions
  6. robust algorithms

MSC codes

  1. 15A23
  2. 65F30
  3. 68P20
  4. 68W20
  5. 68W25
  6. 68Q25



Funding Information

Army Research Office https://doi.org/10.13039/100000183 : W911NF-20-1-0076
Division of Mathematical Sciences https://doi.org/10.13039/100000121 : DMS-1740325, DMS-2011140

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