
We propose a general approach to evaluating the performance of robust estimators based on adversarial losses under misspecified models. We first show that adversarial risk is equivalent to the risk induced by a distributional adversarial attack under certain smoothness conditions. This ensures that the adversarial training procedure is well-defined. To evaluate the generalization performance of the adversarial estimator, we study the adversarial excess risk. Our proposed analysis method includes investigations on both generalization error and approximation error. We then establish nonasymptotic upper bounds for the adversarial excess risk associated with Lipschitz loss functions. In addition, we apply our general results to adversarial training for classification and regression problems. For the quadratic loss in nonparametric regression, we show that the adversarial excess risk bound can be improved over that for a general loss.


  1. adversarial attack
  2. approximation error
  3. generalization
  4. misspecified model
  5. robustness

MSC codes

  1. 62G05
  2. 62G35
  3. 68T07

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Title of paper: Nonasymptotic Bounds for Adversarial Excess Risk under Misspecified Models
Authors: Changyu Liu, Yuling Jiao, Junhui Wang and Jian Huang
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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science
Pages: 847 - 868
ISSN (online): 2577-0187


Submitted: 1 September 2023
Accepted: 22 April 2024
Published online: 1 October 2024


  1. adversarial attack
  2. approximation error
  3. generalization
  4. misspecified model
  5. robustness

MSC codes

  1. 62G05
  2. 62G35
  3. 68T07



Changyu Liu
Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Yuling Jiao
School of Mathematics and Statistics, and Hubei Key Laboratory of Computational Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China.
Junhui Wang
Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China.

Funding Information

HK RGC: GRF-14306523
CUHK: 4937091
Funding: The work of the second author was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (grant 12371441), by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and by the research fund of KLATASDSMOE of China. The work of the third author was supported in part by HK RGC GRF-14306523 and CUHK Startup Grant 4937091. The work of the fourth author was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant 72331005) and research grants from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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