As it was illustrated in Chapter 2 for single-input systems with a lumped input delay, the introduction of the infinite-dimensional backstepping transformation of the actuator state allows one to construct a Lyapunov functional for the plant under predictor feedback. Yet the backstepping methodology is applicable neither in the case of single-input systems with distributed input delay nor in the case of multi-input systems with different delays in each individual input channel. This is because the system that is composed of the finite-dimensional state X and the infinite-dimensional actuator states U( s), s ∊ [ t − D, t], is not in strict-feedback form. In Section 3.1 we study multi-input multi-output linear systems, with distributed input or sensor delays that are different in each individual input or output channel. With the introduction of backstepping-forwarding transformations, we construct Lyapunov functionals which we use to prove closed-loop stability in the case of controller design, or convergence of the estimation error to zero in the case of observer design. We also design a control law for rejecting a matched, constant disturbance in the input by appropriately incorporating into the backstepping-forwarding transformations the estimation of the unknown disturbance in order to account for its effect.
In Section 3.2 we generalize the backstepping-forwarding transformations to the case where the parameters of the plant are unknown. One of the main challenges of this generalization is that one has to deal, in the case of the B matrix, with a vector of unknown functions, rather than just with a vector of unknown parameters. We resolve this challenge by constructing a Lyapunov functional with normalization and by employing an update law using projection on a projection set which can be either spherical or an infinite-dimensional hyper-rectangle. In addition, the gain kernels of these transformations are time varying, since they incorporate the estimations of the unknown parameters, and hence various technical difficulties arise when one proves that these kernels are bounded (which we need in our Lyapunov analysis).